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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
KeyT2 Scratchpad Team05 years 3 months ago
KeyTest Scratchpad Team05 years 3 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbutilon umbelliflorum Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbutilon terminale Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbutilon pictum Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbutilon pauciflorum Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbutilon malachroides Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbutilon grandifolium Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbutilon affine Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbobra tenuifolia Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Taxon DescriptionAbildgaardia ovata Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
KeyTest Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
Specimen/ObservationNHM - 162662 - 162626262 Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
LocationIreland2 Scratchpad Team05 years 4 months ago
LocationIreland username05 years 4 months ago
Lierature miningsPediculus humanus username05 years 4 months ago
Lierature miningsLit 1 username05 years 4 months ago
BiblioMémories pour servir à l`historie naturelle des insectes aptères username05 years 4 months ago
BiblioDicères épizioques username05 years 4 months ago
BiblioBeobachtungen der Arten von Pediculus username05 years 4 months ago
BiblioLes insectes nuisibles a l`homme, aux animaux et a l`economic domestiques username05 years 4 months ago
BiblioPediculus humanus L. et Trophi ejus. Lusen og dens Munddele username05 years 4 months ago
BiblioHemiptera- Aptera. username05 years 4 months ago
BiblioFindings of body lice (Pediculus humanus L.) in Czechoslovakia username05 years 4 months ago
BiblioDie Läuse. A tetvek username05 years 4 months ago


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith