
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioLethal effects of synthetic juvenile hormone on Pediculus humanus corporis username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioDie Läuse und der Mensch username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioDesription and mechanisms of hatching organ in three Anopluran species username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioDer Kopulationsapparat der Kleiderlaus Pediculus humanus L. (Anoplura) username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioAbstract: Mechanisms if immunity in typhus infections: IV. Failure of chicken embryo cells in culture to restrict growth of anti-body-sensitized Rickettsia prowazeki username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioTransmission of head lice by insects username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioPediculus humanus capitis username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioLes poux de l´homme: 1. Contribution a l´etude de la locomotion et de la respiration chez Pediculus humanus capitis de Greer, et Pthirus pubis L username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioThe coprolites of man username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioBiology and control of the head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae) in a semi-aridurban area username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioHost-specificity amongst arthopods ectoparasites upon mammals and birds in the New Hebrides username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioStudy on the myceteome of Pediculus humanus capitis username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioSex ratio of adult head lice under crowded conditions username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioScanning electron microscopic observation of Pediculus humanus var capitus username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioPreliminary survey on susceptibility of "Pediculus humanus corporis" to insecticides in Teheran, Iran username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioInsectos Hematofagos de Cuba username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioPediculosis: Biology of the Parasites. username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioThe incidence and distribution of head lice, Pediculus humanus var capitis (Insecta, Anoplura) in primary and post-primary school pupils in Nsukka, East Central State, Nigeria username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioFunction of shell structures of pig louse and how egg maintains a low equilibrium temperature in direct sunlight username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioBiology of Pediculus humanus humanus (Linn.) of Weigl strain username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioZur Frage der zunehmenden Verlausung und der Rolle von Läusen als Krankheitüberträger username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioSulla fine struttura del microphil negli insetti. 9. Morfolgie dell´uovo di Pediculus humanus capitis de Geer (Anoplura: Pediculidae) username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioSense organs on the legs of Pediculus humanus humanus L. (Anoplura, Pediculidae) nymphs and imagines username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioLes poux de l´homme:2. Les species Muccales chez Pediculus humanus capitis de Geer, et Pthirus pubis (L.) username05 years 6 months ago
BiblioIndagine comparativa sulle stutture microphilari e corionidee delle uova di Pediculus humanus capitis e Haematopinus suis (Insecta, Anoplura) username05 years 6 months ago


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith